Tuesday, October 24, 2017

70%    70%    70%    70%

*When we die, our money remains in the bank...*

*Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend.*

*In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent.*

*One business tycoon in China passed away.*
*His widow, was left with $1.9 billion in the bank, and married his chauffeur.*

*His chauffeur said:*-
*"All the while, I thought I was working for my boss*...
*it is only now, that I realise that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!*"

*The cruel reality is:*
*It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth*.
*So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who.*

*In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless!*

*For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed.*

*If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied.*

*How about your wardrobes of clothes?*
*70% of them are not worn!*

*A whole life of work and earning...*
*70% is for other people to spend.*

*So, we must protect and make full use of our 30%*.

๐Ÿ‘‰*Go for medical check-ups even if not sick.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Drink more water, even if not thirsty.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Learn to let go, even if faced with grave   problems.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Endeavour to give in, even if you are in the right.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Remain humble, even if you are very rich and powerful.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Learn to be contented, even if you are not rich.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy.*
๐Ÿ‘‰*Make time for people you care about*

            *Please ๐Ÿ‘‰Forward
                   This To
       Whom You Care about*
               *I JUST DID!*

Thursday, October 19, 2017

I love these read it 
๐Ÿ˜ฐA King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him; My king, do not be discouraged because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes. One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; if God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger. The servant replied, 'despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never wrong'. Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While being taken to prison, he told the king again, God is Good & Perfect. Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. On the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place, he was released because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the gods. On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said; My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go. But I have a question; If God is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison? His servant replied; My king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger. Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose. God knows why you are reading this message today, please bless someone with it by sharing it. God is good and perfect!! My dear friend, a good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, career, job or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the Satan? A good attitude towards God makes Him move on your behalf. Just sit down and say, Today , I am thankful I had a peaceful sleep, I am thankful I am alive with possibilities, I am thankful I have a roof over me, I am thankful I have a job, I am thankful that I have Family and Friends. Above all, I am thankful that I have God in my life . Be blessed and don't be envious or shocked when others are prospering because you don't know what they have been through to get there (test, trials and tribulation) so thank God for what you have. "Little is much when God is in it. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

_Learning to b

๐ŸšฉTip 1. *Thank God for everything you have*:  Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. Focus on the good things!
๐ŸšฉTip 2. *Practice physical activity* Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness and stress.
๐ŸšฉTip 3. *Breakfast:* Some people miss breakfast for lack of time or not to get fat. Studies show that breakfast gives you energy, helps you think and perform your activities successfully.
๐ŸšฉTip 4. *Be Assertive*: Ask what you want and say what you think. Being assertive helps improve your self-esteem. Being left and remaining silent creates sadness and hopelessness.
๐ŸšฉTip 5. *Spend your money on experiences*..a study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money in travel, courses and classes; While only the rest said they felt happier when buying things.
๐ŸšฉTip 6. *Face your challenges*: Studies show that the more you postpone something, the more anxiety and tension you generate. Write short weekly lists of tasks and complete them.
๐ŸšฉTip 7. *Put everywhere nice memories, phrases and photos of your loved ones*: Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room, YOUR LIFE of beautiful memories.
๐ŸšฉTip 8. *Always greet and be nice to other people*: More than 100 inquiries state that just smiling changes the mood.
๐ŸšฉTip 9. *Wear comfortable shoes*: If your feet hurt you, you become moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedics Association.
๐ŸšฉTip 10. *Take care of your posture*: Walk straight with your shoulders slightly backwards and the front view helps to maintain a good mood.
๐ŸšฉTip 11. *Listen to music* (Praise God): It is proven that listening to music awakens you to sing, this will make your life happy.
๐ŸšฉTip 12. *What you eat has an impact on your mood*:- Do not skip meals, eat lightly every 3 to 4 hours and keep glucose levels stable.- Avoid excess white flour and sugar.- Eat everything! Healthy- Vary your food.
๐ŸšฉTip 13. *Take care of yourself and feel attractive*:70% of people say they feel happier when they think they look good.
๐ŸšฉTip 14. *Fervently believe in God*: With Him nothing is impossible!

Happiness is like a remote control, we lose it every time, we go crazy looking for it and many times without knowing it, we are sitting on top of it... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

Morning Exercise